Ultimate Quality Textiles
We are your reliable and experienced textile partner around the world.
The Largest Exporter of Textile
The Leading Textile Brand in Market Since 1970
Since more than 40 years, FABLIO is operating in the textile market manufacture and trader. As years go by, the range of produced textiles has been increased, besides the regular production became the largest exporter.
- Trends the Current Market
- The rayon fabrics wholesaler
- The Global fabrics distributor
- Biological tested fabrics
- Awarded For Best export
- Stable partner global textile
The Textile,Product, And Apparel
Manufacturing Industries.
Trusted Clients
Finished Projects
Years Of Experience
Visited Conference
Don’t hesitate, contact us for better help and services. View More!
We Give Top Production From Every Angle
Fablio is the largest peer-to-peer comparison initiative in the textile industry. It tracks the apparel material and home textile sector’s progress.
Asigurăm distribuția rapidă și eficientă a echipamentelor.
Punem la dispoziție echipamente de sudură și debitare pentru închiriere.
Îți oferim consultanță specializată pentru a alege soluțiile optime.
Realizăm reparații prin sudare, restabilind funcționalitatea pieselor defecte.
Fablio is Operating In The Textile
Market Manufacture
We Take Occupational Health & Safety Measurements
Our health experts initiate health promotion solutions that are tailored to working conditions and based on participation.
Safety At Work
We make workplace safe any aspects for employees
Healthy Place
Activities are perform by experts at enterprise level
Our Customers Are Saying?
REBELS GRUP a fost un partener de încredere. Ne-au oferit servicii excelente și au fost întotdeauna prompți în a răspunde nevoilor noastre. Recomand!!
Ramona Grigoraș
ManagerAm avut o experiență foarte bună cu REBELS GRUP. Echipamentele sunt de calitate, iar echipa lor a fost mereu la dispoziția noastră pentru a ne ajuta.
Albert Dacu
Latest News And Articles!
Since more than 40 years, FABLIO is operating in the textile market manufacture and trader. As years go by, the range of produced textiles has been increased.
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